Sunday 8 September 2013


It took me awhile to actually start though, and i'd admit - i've struggled alot.

It started somewhere around July 2012 (last year), i started going jogging for a hour or two, but din't change my eating habits - still eating junks like candies, cakes, fastfoods, you name it! And looking at the way i exercise - it's also wrong too. I just kept doing this same lame, boring result-less routine for a few months.

Then it all changed.

Somewhere around March 2013, i started doing researches about eating habits, health articles, exercises videos, "how to lose fat" articles - and yeah, i can say that i've learnt ALOT from the researches. At late March, i started doing sports (badminton, basketball, etc) and i tried my best to be active as i could - i started changing the way i eat, slowly. My family actually realised about me "changing my lifestyle" thing and some of them are like "NO THATS NOT THE WAY" "YOU SHOULD EAT MORE(like refined stuffs, sugary foods and etc)" "EAT MORE OF THAT!" - i was actually kinda pissed at them though, but i din't told them. Some of them forced me to eat white refined grains, sugary foods/drink and others - BUT, i avoided them (well sometimes i cant hold it in then i'd just splurge) but yeah, as time goes on, i gained more knowledge about fitness and health, gained more confidence - but sometimes i'd have a breakdown thinking "i'm fat" "i wanna give up" and having guilt of eating something. But in the end, i'd knock it off and kept going.

I'm really happy with my current lifestyle though, i did my workouts, eating clean and most importantly, thinking positive. But still there's a long life ahead of me though, i'll keep going - living the heathy lifestyle, ignore the BS's and hates (but yeah to be honest sometimes i have the time where i couldn't handle all the hates and stuffs yeah hahaha) I'll be expecting more exciting stuffs happening in the near future though!

If you thinking of giving up,
          think of why you started in the first place.

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