Friday 25 October 2013

Finally A Workout! ... the 50/10 Kettlebell Workout!

Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not blogging for weeks, i've been really busy with school lately but i'm free now because year end holidays are almost here (excited!!!) 

Oh my, i haven't put up any workouts since i've started this blog.... so today i'm gonna put up my first workout --- the 50/10 Kettlebell Interval Workout! Well ya see, kettlebells are really versatile and easy to handle, plus it's one of my favorite equipment! I've tried this workout yesterday and i can say it really fun & challenging though! (well maybe?) All you need is your body, a kettlebell, an interval timer and maybe a workout mat (i didn't used one though so it's not necessary)

Alright guys, here's the workout: (remember to warm up before starting this workout!!)
Set your timer to 50 seconds work/10 seconds rest and repeat for 18 times, start the timer and work your butt off!

Oh before that, i have another announcement!
I've made another mashup yesterday, it's a mashup of Britney Spears' Work B**ch and Avicii's Levels so watch out Brit Army and Avicii fans! It's gonna be up on Youtube around 3-10th November, i'll put up the link here when it's out! (Artwork to the right! ;))

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