Wednesday 11 September 2013

Nuts: Lose that fat!

Hey guys! So lately i've been eating some gooood nuts (like almonds and hazelnuts) -- and then there's this friend of mine, who told me "nuts is bad, because it has alot of oil" -- wait, did you just said oil?
It's not oil, it's fat. Yeah, fat.
I know a lot of people avoid themselves from eating nuts because of the high amount of fat and calories. If you’re one of these phobia-tics… YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY STOP! 
Here comes the problem -- nuts get a really bad rep because it's high in fat -- BUT, do you know what type of fat it has in it? Well the word goes by "If there's bad, there's good" -- It is high in HEALTHY FATS!

Nuts are filled with healthy fats -- mono/polyunsaturated fats and Omega 3 -- they play a HUGE/BIG ROLE in fat loss! But why is that so? Because the fats in nuts:
  • Controls your appetite (keeps you feeling full) - That is why i always advice to snack on nuts! 
  • Stabilizes blood sugar!
  • Reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) and raises good healthy cholesterol (HDL)

Yeah, it's true that they're high in calories -- BUT! The calories are from good nutrients such as:- Fiber, protein and healthy fats!

Other than protein, fats and fiber, they are also loaded with minerals and vitamins that is
essential to your body! Because of today's sugar loaded, and heavily processed foods, it's kinda hard for us to get the proper amount of these minerals and vitamins - that leads to deficient in minerals and vitamins! ((sad face))

These here are a list of minerals and vitamins which is loaded in nuts!
  • Manganese - important for reproduction, growth, skeletal and connective tissue, and helps metabolize fat and carbohydrates (a good thing for your dream six pack abs!)
  • Copper - helps form connective tissue and creates necessary biochemical reactions in the body.
  • Potassium - helps keep your body to balance acid/alkaline. Similar to manganese, it helps to metabolize carbohydrates and helps form protein and build muscles too!
  • Magnesium - necessary for over 300 biochemical reactions in our body & is good for your heart and blood pressure.
  • Phosphorous - helps develop strong teeth and bones and helps prevent osteoporosis (with the help of calcium).
Here's a list of my favorite top 3 nuts that i'd recommend along with their nutrition breakdowns:-

Almonds (My favorite!)

Nutrition breakdown (1oz):
Calories: 164
Protein: 6g
Fat:  14 g
- Saturated Fat: 1.1 g
- Monounsaturated Fats: 9.1 g
- Polyunsaturated Fats: 3.5 g
Fiber: 3.3 g

Walnuts (they're filled with antioxidants too!)
Nutrition breakdown (1oz):
Calories: 185
Protein: 4 g
Total Fat: 18 g
- Saturated Fat: 1.7 g
- Monounsaturated Fats: 2.5 g
- Polyunsaturated Fats: 13.4 g
Fiber: 1.9 g

Pistachios (high in protein!)
Nutrition breakdown (1oz):
Calories: 161
Protein: 6 g
Total Fat: 13 g 
- Saturated Fat: 1.6 g
- Monounsaturated Fats: 6.8 g
- Polyunsaturated Fats: 3.9 g
Fiber: 2.9 g

Finding for a snack that will fill you up while helping you to lose that belly fat?

Snack on nuts! Bring a small packet of it to work, to school & to anywhere! BUT, remember to choose RAW ones instead of honey roasted (Sugar), and unsalted ones!

Hahaha, they're not nuts -- they're legume. ;)

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