Monday 16 September 2013

Hidden sugars in cereals!

Hey guys, so i went to the grocery store today and got lots of stuffs for my fridge, while i'm at the cereals section, i've noticed there's a lot of "no sugar", "healthy" or "fitness" cereals -- If you're one of the peoples who get cereals like that, you need to STOP! Heres a few pictures of the ingredients list of a few cereals:

First up, we got the "Special K 100cal Dessert Bars" Well, the company says that Special K is specially a "fitness food". Well i don't think so. Let's see how many types of sugar are in this item. There's sugar, barley malt extract (yeah, it's a type of sweetener), then we have sugar again in the "yoghurt compound", then glucose, and then sugar again in "wheat flakes", and fructose, dextroseglucose solids and sugar again(!) -- DID YOU SEE HOW MANY TIMES "SUGAR" IS MENTIONED? - four times! And they still call this a fitness snack? I DON'T THINK SO!

Second, we have "Special K Original Cereal". They have gluten, malt extract, and 8.3g of sugar per serving!

Next, we have Nestle's "Fitnesse - Clusters: Almond" Yeah, they almonds in it -- and lots of sugar too. They have sugar, glucose syrup, honey, barley malt extract, sugar (again), barley malt extract (again), glucose syrup (again?!)! DO YOU SEE IT? 

Here, we have Dorset's "cranberry, cheer and almond" cereal. The box is kinda fancy though - which tricked customers that it's "healthy". They have barley malt extract (x3), sugar (x2), and sweetened dried cranberries.

Lastly, we have Kellogg's "Smart Start" cereals. It stated "Strong Heart" though -- let's see whether is it true or not. They have sugar, brown sugar syrup, honey, corn syrup, polydextrose, and molasses. And they call that "strong heart"? More like "way to obesity! - which eventually leads to "weak heart"!

Alright guys, the lesson is -- choose your cereals PROPERLY and WISELY! I'd personally recommend regular PLAIN oats though. Remember to avoid foods with "-ose" at the end of any ingredient, because that's sugar! Don't fall for those with "fat free", "sugar free" labels on them, check the ingredients list first! But most importantly, try choose foods with only ONE ingredient.

Here's a list of different names of hidden sugar:

  1. Agave nectarfatchance
  2. Barbados sugar
  3. Barley malt
  4. Beet sugar
  5. Blackstrap molasses
  6. Brown sugar
  7. Buttered syrup
  8. Cane juice crystals
  9. Cane sugar
  10. Caramel
  11. Carob syrup
  12. Castor sugar
  13. Confectioner’s sugar
  14. Corn syrup
  15. Corn syrup solids
  16. Crystalline fructose
  17. Date sugar
  18. Demerara sugar
  19. Dextran
  20. Dextrose
  21. Diastatic malt
  22. Diatase
  23. Ethyl maltol
  24. Evaporated cane juice
  25. Florida crystals
  26. Fructose
  27. Fruit juice
  28. Fruit juice concentrate
  29. Galactose
  30. Glucose
  31. Glucose solids
  32. Golden sugar
  33. Golden syrup
  34. Grape sugar
  35. High fructose corn syrup
  36. Honey
  37. Icing sugar
  38. Invert sugar
  39. Lactose
  40. Malt syrup
  41. Maltodextrin
  42. Maltose
  43. Maple syrup
  44. Molasses
  45. Muscovado sugar
  46. Organic raw sugar
  47. Panocha
  48. Raw sugar
  49. Refiner’s syrup
  50. Rice syrup
  51. Sorghum syrup
  52. Sucrose
  53. Sugar
  54. Treacle
  55. Turbinado sugar
  56. Yellow sugar
Here are another list of 257 different names for sugar! : 

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